Mini Facelift

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is a procedure derived from a traditional facelift but is less invasive and involves smaller incisions. A mini facelift in Houston, Texas is a variation of the lower facelift that focuses on repositioning sagging tissue to sculpt the jawline, neck, and lower face. It can be more beneficial to a patient with a thin neck or limited muscle bands and it has a shorter recovery period. This treatment is customized to focus on an individual patient’s goals. Come in to see if you are a candidate!

FAQ: Mini facelift in Houston, TX

  • What anesthesia is used for a mini facelift?

    A mini facelift can be performed under local anesthesia, with oral sedation and local anesthesia or with IV sedation and local anesthesia. Dr. Bender will
    work with you to figure out the best option that is safest and most comfortable for each patient.

  • Is a mini facelift painful?

    The procedure should be performed with anesthesia. Most patients only have mild postoperative discomfort that can be controlled with extra strength Tylenol. Pain medication can be prescribed if needed.

  • Am I a good candidate for a mini facelift?

    Ideal candidates are in good health and have realistic expectations. They are typically done with mild aging changes including a thinner neck, but a traditional facelift is an option for more extensive aging changes. In general, a patient’s anatomy and extent of age-related changes will determine the best procedure for each patient. Come in for a consult to see which procedure is best for you.

  • What are the surgical details of a mini facelift?

    Surgery takes a couple of hours to complete and is done under local anesthesia with sedation. Incisions run again along a natural line in front of and in back of the ear.

  • What is recovery like for a mini facelift?

    The face is wrapped up in a bandage at least overnight and removed the following day. Bruising and numbness are common, and the face can appear swollen immediately after surgery. Post-surgical swelling and bruising typically occurs around the side of the neck and ears and can be hidden with long hair. Most of the bruising will subside in the first one to two weeks. Most of the swelling will also resolve in the first week, although it will continue to subside daily over the next few weeks. Areas of residual swelling or firmness are possible and should continue to improve over time.

  • How can I get started with a mini facelift in Houston, TX?

    Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.