Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation

A weak or recessed chin can alter facial balance and even make the nose look disproportionate and large for the face. It can also contribute to a less defined neck angle and jawline. Chin augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the chin and jawline. This can be accomplished with a surgical implant or with injectable filler. Ultimately, chin augmentation in Houston, Texas can help to better define the chin and improve facial balance.

Chin augmentation is a subtle procedure that has a strong influence on facial harmony and profile balancing. It is commonly paired with other procedures such as a facelift, rhinoplasty or even chin liposuction.

FAQ: Chin Augmentation in Houston, TX

  • Is a chin implant right for me?

    Ideal candidates for chin plastic surgery are in good health. We will review your history at the consultation to ensure a chin implant is the best option for you.

  • How is a chin implant performed?

    The implant is placed through a small incision created just below the chin. This can be done under local anesthesia alone or in combination with other procedures such as a rhinoplasty.

  • What's the downtime and recovery for chin augmentation like?

    Swelling or bruising are common but typically resolve in the first two weeks. Mild discomfort is possible but managed by pain medication. Patients are typically ready to return to work or school within the first week.

  • What type of anesthesia is used for a chin augmentation?

    Chin augmentation can be performed under local anesthesia. If combined with another procedure, it is also performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia.

  • How long is recovery after chin augmentation?

    The recovery after injectable filler takes only a few days. The recovery after a chin implant typically takes one to two weeks. Most patients can return to work within or after one week.

  • How can I get started with chin augmentation in Houston, TX?

    Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.