

Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job, is a procedure that can improve both the appearance and function of the nose. Reshaping the nose can correct structural abnormalities such as a deviated septum, and can enhance the balance of the face, thereby improving the overall facial appearance. Rhinoplasty in Houston, Texas will be tailored to a patient’s needs and individual goals.

FAQ: Rhinoplasty/Nose Job in Houston, TX

  • Is a nose job right for me?

    Rhinoplasty is ideal for patients wanting a change in the appearance or function of their nose. They are also in good health and have realistic expectations. Younger patients will have to wait until their nose has reached its full growth.

  • How is a nose job performed?

    This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on anatomy and surgical needs, this procedure can be performed using an open or a closed approach. The open rhinoplasty will involve a small incision on the columella, or the skin that separates the nostrils on the underside of the nose. A closed rhinoplasty will involve incisions on the inside of the nostrils. The nasal skin is separated from the underlying structure of the nose including bone and cartilage. The desired shape or function is then achieved by removing, rearranging or adding to the existing bone and cartilage. The incisions are then closed.

  • What is nose job recovery like?

    Patients may experience some discomfort which can be managed with pain medication. Nasal obstruction is usually worse initially after surgery before it gets better. An external splint over the nose will be removed one week after surgery. Bruising around the eyes is possible.

  • At what age can a nose job be performed?

    A nose job can be performed in teenagers as young as around 17 for girls and 18 for boys, but it is not right for every teenager. It is important to see a skilled facial plastic surgeon to discuss if and when this procedure is right for each patient. This is also a common procedure for adults of any age as long as they are in good general health. Our nose does change over the course of a lifetime which is why this procedure is common at a variety of ages.

  • Can a rhinoplasty be covered by insurance?

    A rhinoplasty is typically considered an elective procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, some patients are eligible for a functional rhinoplasty to correct a structural issue causing nasal obstruction. Many patients may also want changes to their shape of nose and an improvement in nasal breathing. In these cases, HouatonMD Face and Skin. will provide assistance in submitting to have a portion of the case covered by insurance.

  • What is a deviated nasal septum?

    The septum is the central structure in your nose that separates the left and right nostril. It is made of cartilage and bone. When deviated, it is shifted to one or both sides along its course. This can be something that happens from birth or can happen from trauma. The most typical symptom is nasal obstruction on the side of the deviation. That being said, irritation, bleeding or pain can also occur. Certain deviations are best corrected using an open septoplasty which can be performed by itself or combined with a rhinoplasty to perform cosmetic changes or improve other areas of breathing obstruction.

  • How long does a rhinoplasty last?

    Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that changes the underlying structure of the nose. The results are meant to be permanent. As with any surgery, it can take an entire year for the nose to fully heal. Sometimes, despite the best efforts, there will be changes that occur in the nose over the course of the year that will need to be addressed with some measure of revision. Revision rhinoplasty is a common procedure that can further correct or refine the nose to achieve the best outcome.

  • How can I find a nose job near me?

    You are in the right place! Call (713) 955-3014to schedule an appointment today.