Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a noninvasive topical method of improving the appearance of your skin by creating an even and controlled removal of the outermost layer of skin. The peel works to exfoliate the damaged outer layers of your skin, leaving you with fresh, new skin that is smooth, glowing and youthful. Suitable for most skin types, even the darkest tones, chemical peels are mostly reserved for the face, though sometimes they are used on the neck and hands.

FAQ: Chemical Peels in Houston, TX

  • What type of peels do you offer?

    Dr. Bender offers a full range of chemical peels to treat different conditions of the skin and to address specific patient goals. These range from mild VI peels performed in the office to full-strength peels performed in the operating room.

  • How are chemical peels performed?

    During a skin peel, a solution is applied topically to the skin to remove the damaged outer layers. Chemical peels are performed either in the office or at a surgery center. The use of Retin-A and hydroquinone may be used prior to the peel to assist with the healing process. The chemical peel takes approximately 30 minutes to perform. The lighter peels typically take seven days for recovery. The deeper peels may take 14 days for social recovery.

  • What does the VI peel do?

    In addition to being an effective keratosis pilaris treatment, the VI peel helps to treat pigmentation, stimulate collagen and elastin, treat sun damaged skin, improve skin tone, improve skin texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The VI peel is performed in the office and offers skin rejuvenation for all Fitzpatrick skin types with minimal downtime. It is safe to use on the eye area, neck, chest, and hands. It also comes equipped with a post-peel system to intensify and augment the results from one peel. It can be purchased as a single treatment or as a package of multiple treatments spaced approximately four weeks apart.

  • What is the trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel good for?

    The TCA peel is used for a medium-depth chemical peel. This treatment removes both the outer layer of skin and the upper portion of the middle layer (the dermis) and works to treat skin discoloration and skin pigmentation, reduce acne scarring and wrinkles and even remove wrinkles. It’s best for those with deeper wrinkles, acne scars and more significant skin pigmentation. These patients must be ready for a longer recovery time but will receive the most benefit to their skin.

  • Are there risks with chemical peels?

    Side effects vary depending on the chemical solution used. You may experience anything from a little burning or stinging and skin redness to pain, discomfort and swelling. Our professionals are knowledgable about each treatment and any particular risks and are happy to answer any questions you may have. Come see Dr. Bender to customize the right peel for you and your skin goals.

  • What are skin conditions that chemical peels can treat?

    Chemical peels can help with a wide range of skin issues like fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture, hyperpigmentation, irritation from acne, and sun damage.

  • How many treatments are needed?

    Although you will see results after one in-office treatment, it is common to need two to three treatments over a year to maintain results. With a deeper chemical peel performed at a surgery center, only one peel is applied.

  • Can peels be combined with other procedures?

    Light chemical peels performed in the office can be combined with other office treatments such as Broadband Light (BBL® photofacial) or microneedling. Medium-depth chemical peels are typically performed at a surgery center and are commonly combined with surgical procedures such as a facelift or blepharoplasty.

  • How can I get started with chemical peels in Houston, TX?

    Ready for your consultation? Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.