

A facelift, which is technically known as a rhytidectomy, is a procedure used to lift or suspend loose or sagging skin in the face and neck. The procedure involves removing excess skin, tightening and re-suspending the underlying support structures of the face known as the SMAS and re-draping the skin. The goal of a facelift in Houston, Texas is to restore your appearance to a more youthful state that still looks like you.

FAQ: Facelift in Houston, TX

  • Is a facelift right for me?

    Ideal candidates are in good health and have realistic expectations.

  • What happens during a facelift?

    Facelift surgery can last several hours and is typically performed with local anesthesia and sedation. Incisions typically run along a natural line along the hair and both in front and in back of the ears ending in the lower scalp. There is sometimes an incision underneath the chin.

  • What is facelift recovery like?

    The face is typically wrapped up in a bandage overnight and is removed the following day. Bruising and numbness are very common after this procedure. It is normal for the face to appear swollen during the first week after surgery. It can take up to three weeks for bruising to resolve and it can take several weeks to months for swelling to fully subside.

    Avoid strenuous activity for two weeks after surgery.

  • How long does a facelift last?

    Facelift results are generally long-lasting, but the face does continue to age. It is possible that a revision or touch-up may be needed over the next eight-10 years after the initial procedure.

  • When should I get a facelift?

    As we age, the face will start showing changes in facial muscle and structure causing visible hollowing, loose skin and deep wrinkles. A facelift is typically recommended for any patient who is showing moderate to significant signs of aging. A mini facelift is commonly performed starting in the 40s. A full facelift is more common in the 50s or 60s. Every person is different in terms of when they are ready, but each patient can always schedule a consultation to learn more and find out if it is the right time.

  • Is there an age limit?

    There is not a definite age limit to having a facelift, as long as the patient is healthy. You should consider a facelift when your face has undergone enough changes that make you consider a surgery.

  • What kind of anesthesia is used for facelift surgery?

    Dr. Bender performs facelifts under IV sedation and not general anesthesia. Some patients can undergo a mini lift under oral sedation and local anesthesia.

  • Is a facelift painful?

    During the actual procedure, you will receive anesthesia and will not feel any pain. After the anesthesia wears off, you might have some mild discomfort in the surgical area. Most patients do not require narcotic pain medication, but Dr. Bender can prescribe pain relievers when needed.

  • How can I get started with a facelift in Houston, TX?

    Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.