Brow Lift

Forehead Lift

A forehead lift, also known as a brow lift, is a procedure that can improve a sagging brow, hooding over the eyes, forehead creases and frown lines. These features can give a tired look to the face and are one of the earliest signs of aging. In women, the peak of the brow should lie approximately 1 cm above the bony orbital rim along the line between the iris and the outside corner of the eye. In men, the brow should lie along the bony orbital rim. A brow lift in Houston, Texas may be used in combination with other surgical and/or non-surgical procedures to optimize your surgical results.

FAQ: Forehead Lift/Brow Lift in Houston, TX

  • Are there different brow lift techniques?

    Yes, there are three different brow lift techniques to consider:

    • Open Brow Lift

    This lift can be achieved with two different incisions based on a patient’s anatomy and goals. One incision runs along the frontal hairline and will not change the hairline position. The other incision runs about 1 inch within the hairline and will give the appearance of a slightly longer forehead postoperatively. Performed under IV sedation.

    • Endoscopic Lift

    This is a minimally invasive approach that uses five small incisions within the hairline. It will provide a lift for the eyebrows and some improvement in frown lines. It will not improve the forehead wrinkles. Performed under IV sedation.

    • Mid-forehead lift

    This lift hides the incision within prominent forehead wrinkles. It is typically used in men with receding hairlines and appropriate anatomy. Can be performed under local anesthesia.

  • How do I know which brow lift technique is right for me?

    In your consultation, you and Dr. Bender will discuss your options and decide together which technique would be best.

  • Is a brow lift right for me?

    Ideal brow lift candidates are in good health and have realistic expectations.

  • What is brow lift recovery like?

    Following surgery, patients can expect swelling, bruising and numbness. Bruising is common after surgery and generally resolves after two weeks. Special care is taken with washing hair after surgery. This procedure has mild to moderate discomfort that can be controlled with pain medication. Many patients describe a feeling of tightness that improves over time.

  • What is the right age for a brow lift?

    A brow lift is typically recommended for patients in their 40s or 50s but can sometimes be recommended for patients with early signs of aging or patients with a genetic predisposition for lower eyebrows.

  • How long does a brow lift last?

    Cosmetic surgery, like a forehead lift, is intended to restructure anatomy to provide long-lasting results, although it is unable to stop or prevent future signs of aging from developing.

  • What can a brow lift treat?

    A brow lift can treat brows that have lowered in position over the years. It’s ideal for patients whose brows have fallen sufficiently to give the upper eyelid a hooded appearance. A brow lift can be combined with an upper lid lift in certain circumstances. It can also be combined with a hairline lowering procedure if a high hairline is present.

  • How can I get started with a forehead lift/brow lift in Houston, TX?

    Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.