Facial Fat Transfer

Facial Fat Transfer

As we age, we lose volume in the face. This volume loss can give a prematurely aged look to a patient due to the presence of facial hollowing. Common areas that experience this are the eyes, below the cheekbones and along the jawline, temples, brow and forehead. A fat transfer in Houston, Texas is a safe procedure that involves taking fat from an area of excess such as the hip/thigh or abdomen and selectively injecting it throughout the face to achieve a more youthful appearance.

FAQ: Facial Fat Transfer in Houston, TX

  • What is facial fat transfer?

    Facial fat transfer is a way to provide permanent volume to different areas of the face using a patient’s natural fat supply. It is a very safe procedure, as no foreign substances are used, substantially reducing the chance of a reaction. The goal of a fat transfer is to restore youthful volume and fullness to the face including areas like the cheeks, tear troughs and temples.

  • Is facial fat rejuvenation right for me?

    Ideal fat transfer candidates are in good health and have realistic expectations. They also have sufficient fat in the donor sites.

  • Does fat transfer work?

    Yes! Fat injections are a good option for the mid and upper face and for the jowls. Results are long-lasting, but rate of fat take is variable by person and by the facial anatomic site. Areas of excessive movement, like the mouth, will require additional volume replacement with filler for a full correction.

  • Does facial fat transfer look natural?

    As fat is a naturally occurring tissue, it creates a natural texture that will not interfere with facial expression. It can also provide long-lasting volume restoration.

  • Is there any risk with fat transfer?

    Autologous fat is your body’s own tissue so it will not be rejected. It also contains growth factors within autologous fat that can contribute to healthy tissue growth once injected.

  • What happens during a facial fat transfer procedure?

    Fat transfer, which can also be called microlipoinjection or autologous fat grafting, can take around one to two hours to complete. It’s performed with local and IV or oral sedation. Fat is removed from the donor site using gentle liposuction techniques. Fat is then prepared appropriately and injected using cannulas into the face using small cuts and no long incisions.

  • What is fat transfer recovery like?

    Swelling, redness and bruising are very common after this procedure. Significant swelling in the first two weeks can limit involvement in social activity. There are no incisions or postoperative dressings or drains after this procedure. Swelling and bruising are common in the areas that receive the transfer. The face will appear swollen as the fat integrates into the surrounding tissue, and this process can take up to two weeks.

  • Is facial fat transfer painful?

    There is typically minimal discomfort which can be managed with pain medication.

  • What are other terms for a fat transfer?

    A fat transfer can also be called fat grafting, autologous fat transplantation, fat injections, nanofat injections or microfat injections.

  • How can I get started with facial fat transfer in Houston, TX?

    Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.