PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

The healing powers of your very own body can help to revitalize the look and feel of your skin or promote hair growth. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in Houston, Texas is produced using a patient’s own blood sample, which we draw here in the comfort of our practice within a matter of minutes. PRP is a nutrient-rich serum bursting with activated platelets and natural growth factors that promote enhanced and active regeneration where applied.

FAQ: PRP in Houston, TX

  • What happens during the PRP procedure?

    The process of preparing PRP involves taking a blood sample, similar to having blood taken for lab work. The sample is then processed through a centrifuge to isolate the plasma containing concentrated platelets and plasma. PRP will enhance the body’s natural healing process to stimulate production of new healthy skin and hair cells.

  • What are the side effects of PRP treatments?

    Because the PRP is from a patient’s own blood, the risk of any adverse reaction is very low. There is no concern for an allergic reaction or immune response. In general, PRP can produce mild irritation and redness at injection sites, although a significant allergic reaction is exceedingly unlikely. Headaches are also common after scalp injections.

  • Am I a good candidate for PRP treatment?

    PRP is a great option for many patients considering the low side effect profile. These injections help to enhance both thinning hair and healing of skin. Come see Dr. Bender to see if PRP is right for you!

  • What procedures can include PRP?

    Platelet rich plasma treatment can be paired with microneedling to boost the skin’s natural healing response and enhance your results. Microneedling will use tiny needles to help direct growth factors deeper into the skin where they help trigger the building of collagen and elastin.

  • How can I get started with PRP treatment in Houston, TX?

    Ready for your consultation? Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.