Eyelid Lift

Blepharoplasty/Eyelid Lift

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid lift surgery, is a surgery that can rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes. The eyes are one of the first areas that show signs of aging. This procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both to address fullness, wrinkles and eyelid hooding.

FAQ: Blepharoplasty/Eyelid Lift in Houston, TX

  • Is an eyelid lift right for me?

    Ideal blepharoplasty candidates are looking to improve drooping upper eyelids or under eye bags. They are in good health and have realistic expectations. Certain skin or eye conditions may make this treatment not the best solution. This will be discussed in consultation.

  • What happens during a blepharoplasty?

    Surgery is performed with either IV sedation or local anesthesia with oral sedation. Surgical time can vary between 30 minutes to two hours. The incisions are concealed within the crease of the upper eyelid or just below the lash line on the lower eyelids. Once the incisions are made, the tissues below the skin surface can be addressed, as well as redundant skin trimmed before fine sutures are used to create the closure.

  • What is recovery like for eyelid lifts?

    It is common for the eyes to feel tight and sore after surgery. Swelling and bruising are common. Applying cold compresses and keeping the head elevated can help reduce swelling. Patients may experience blurred or double vision, tearing and an itchy or burning sensation in the eyes. Most patients are able to return to social activity after seven to 10 days following surgery.

  • Will blepharoplasty change the shape of my eye?

    The goal of blepharoplasty is to restore the appearance of your eye to how it looked prior to aging, as opposed to making your eyes look different. In general, eyes should appear more open and brightened after this procedure.

  • Can an eyelid lift remove crow's feet?

    Since crow’s feet are due to repetitive muscle contraction and skin aging, Botox® or Dysport®, along with skin resurfacing with a laser or chemical peel, are better treatment options. An eyelid lift is more helpful in treating eye contours as well as eyelid puffiness or eyelid bags.

  • How long is the recovery after an eyelid lift?

    The recovery after an eyelid lift can take around seven to 10 days. If additional skin resurfacing is performed, then recovery will be longer. Vision can also be blurry at first but will improve with time. Most patients see close to a full recovery around two to three weeks. However, it can still take a full year for your body to heal from a surgical procedure. This is most evident in the surgical incision line texture and color which will continue to soften and improve with time and good sun protection.

  • How can I get started with blepharoplasty in Houston, TX?

    Call (713) 955-3014 to schedule an appointment today.