Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Fort Myers, FL

 Male breast reduction addresses a prevalent condition found in almost half of the male population called Gynecomastia. This surgery is a transformative procedure designed to address the physical and emotional challenges associated with this condition by targeting excess fat, skin, or glandular tissue to achieve a firmer and flatter appearance in the chest area. Beyond aesthetic considerations, many men experience emotional discomfort in the form of embarrassment, shame, and insecurity due to Gynecomastia. They may find themselves avoiding certain types of clothing, social situations, physical activities, or intimate relationships because of their chest. This life-changing surgery offers individuals the opportunity to regain comfort and confidence and get back to living life unencumbered by those insecurities and limitations.  

 At our Fort Myers practice, Dr. Ritrosky and our dedicated team recognizes the profound impact of breast reduction on a person’s quality of life. Our focus on precision leads us to successfully achieve custom-tailored results for each of our patients.  

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a meticulous process involving the removal of excess breast tissue and reshaping to achieve a more proportionate size. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis under intravenous anesthesia. Incisions are strategically made around the nipple-areolar complex and extend vertically below the nipple. The nipple-areolar complex is repositioned, and excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed.  

Dr. Ritrosky’s expertise lies in creating a natural profile while minimizing scarring. This highly customizable procedure allows individuals to tailor their results to achieve their optimal chest contour and proportion. In addition to reducing the size of your breasts, male breast reduction surgery can also reshape and tighten your chest. This can lead to a flatter, firmer, and more symmetrical chest that matches your body type and frame.  

Breast reduction surgery at our Fort Myers practice is not just about aesthetics; it’s an approach towards improving the quality of life for everyone who trusts us with their journey. Dr. Ritrosky and our team are committed to guiding patients towards a more comfortable and confident self.  

What Does the Healing Process Look Like?

After breast reduction surgery, the healing process varies from person to person. While some swelling and mild discomfort may occur, these are effectively managed with oral pain medication. The initial recovery period typically involves a few days of downtime during which individuals are advised to refrain from strenuous activities.

In the weeks following the surgery, individuals will experience the relief associated with their reduced breast size. Physical discomfort and pain will diminish, posture issues will improve, and newfound confidence will emerge. Our team is always available to support you by addressing any questions or concerns throughout the recovery process.

Other Options:

For those seeking enhanced results, an additional procedure that complements breast reduction is liposuction of the axillary area. This targets excess fat deposits, further refining the overall outcome of the surgery.